Today I baked some eggplants. I usually bake them, drain them and I put them in the cooler so when I want to eat them I just defrost them and transform them in a delicious salad. This is a easy recipe, it needs a small amount of time to be prepared. If you don't like mayonnaise you can choose not to add it. If you like onion you can add it in the salad. It can be served as a garnish or as an appetizer. I gladly recommend it to you because it is suited for every occasion. If you want you can use some vegetables to ornate it.
This values are estimated - for 100 g this recipe contains:
-Calories: 192
-Proteins: 6.5
-Lipids: 19
-Carbohydrates: 4.5
-Fibers: 2.5
-Fibers: 2.5
~eggplants- 3-4
~onion- 1 (optionally)
Preparation method:
We must bake the eggplants on a grill or on a tray. When they are baked you must peel them and let them drain as much as you can because they contain a toxic liquid that is unpleasant at taste.
When you decide they are drained you must chop them very well. After that you must add salt and some oil and mix them together. At the end you add the mayonnaise , and if you choose to use onion you chop it and you add it in the salad.
I wish you good appetite!!!
If you have questions ore some suggestions you can make a comment at this post or you can send me a e-mail at and I will answer you gladly.
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